- Join the gunugudhula Club
become a gunugudhula (brolga) member
The Brolga depicted over the RFNC symbol, represents the shared ethos of ‘life long commitment’. The circles at the side represent communities, with the club forming the lines of connectedness
The Gunugudhla (Brolga) Club is a special category of sponsorship for friends who are committed to making a real difference to the lives of people in the Dungala Kaiela (Murray-Goulburn) region and the Rumbalara FNC community through our partnering programs.
This sponsorship is for individuals or organisations who are willing to advocate and support the inclusive and culturally safe environment of the Club by becoming a Brolga to help continue our concerted efforts in self-determination.
If you wish to have your contribution tax deductible, donations can be made below.
Please consider being a pioneer and support this unique Club.