Gowola Homework Club Expressions of Interest now open

Gowola recognises the importance of education and engaging young people in a way that celebrates culture, language and pride in Aboriginality.

In 2024, the Gowola Homework Club will be every Tuesday and Thursday during school term. Students from Prep to Year 10 will either catch the bus from school or make their way to Rumbalara Football Netball Club to do their homework and study their culture and language.

The Gowola Homework Club kicks off for 2024 from the 6th of February.

Expressions of Interest for the Gowola Homework Club are now open, please complete the Junior or Senior form below and the Gowola Homework Club Coordinator will be in touch with further registration information.

For volunteer tutor registration, please complete the below form:

Enquires regarding Gowola Homework Club can get in contact with the Coordinator via email at gowola@rfnc.com.au

Gowola Homework Club is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and/or young people accessing the Homework Club. We support the rights of the child and will act without hesitation to ensure a child safe environment is maintained at all times. We also support the rights and the wellbeing of our staff and volunteers and encourage their active participation in the building and maintenance of a secure environment for all children and/or young people.

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