Short Black Opera for Kids School Program

SBO for Kids is a five day intensive program designed for Indigenous children in grades 4-6 from all schools in the Greater Shepparton region.

The Short Black Opera (SBO) program provides immersive and culturally authoritative training in music, stage craft and song writing for students, and serves as the entry level training opportunity for acceptance into Australia’s peak Indigenous led choral organisation Dhungala Children’s Choir.

The SBO for Kids program runs for 5 days, with workshops running for 3 hours each morning.

The program finishes with a public performance featuring participants of the program. Family and friends are invited to this concert, which will run from 12.00pm to 12.30pm at on Friday, April 23. Tickets are not required.

The program will be run for the week beginning 19th April 2021 

Transport will be provided from school to Rumbalara Football Netball Club, and back to school.

Rumbalara Football Netball Club with Short Black Opera Company invites your child to participate in the 2021 Shepparton SBO for Kids program. This program is open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Years 4, 5 & 6.


April 19 – 23 2021.


9.30am – 12.30pm. Participants will have a morning tea break – participants will need to bring a snack and drink with them. Fruit and water will also be provided.


Rumbalara Football Netball club

Transport to Venue:

Rumbalara Football Netball Club will be arranging transport. Buses will depart the school at 8:50am.

If you would like your child to participate, please fill in the registration form below.

Please let us know if your child suffers from any food allergies or serious medical conditions that we need to be aware of.

Short Black Opera for Kids Registration Form:


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