At this stage, it continues to be an ever evolving process, as we move into further restrictions this week, we need to remember that such uncertain times can impact on our Social Health and Wellbeing.
Some important wellbeing tips to practice while we move into stage 3 restrictions include;
- Develop a regular daily routine: a routine will keep you focused, while also giving you a purpose throughout your day. It is easy to become complacent without a routine, this can impact on your self-worth and turn into bad habits. A daily routine can include; meal times, exercise/work/hobby time, family time etc.
- Keep up physical activity: this can include any form of training or exercise (walking etc.). Physical activity releases positive brain receptors which can fight off sadness and depressed feelings.
- Get outside when you can: It is important for us to get fresh air and sunlight to assist in our sense of wellbeing and connection to land (Please keep relevant restrictions and physical distancing in mind when outside).
- Stay positive: Remind each other that this event will pass, keep focused on the end target and how well YOU have done so far through this.
If you would like further information on Wellbeing support, you can visit:
Or you can contact Kevin Singh on 0401-879-822.
Proud. Strong. Family.