C'mon Yakama rumba

We are a proud and strong Aboriginal led sporting club located in Shepparton, Victoria. Dedicated to strengthening the community and bringing families together through strong, vibrant leadership. It is a place of belonging, a place that people of all ages and backgrounds can call their own.

The Club is instrumental in creating and driving regional change for the betterment of everyone. It personifies reconciliation in action.


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Salary Cap Breach

Rumbalara Football Netball Club (RFNC) acknowledges that, despite acting in good faith throughout the 2024 season, the club has breached the salary cap as outlined in the Regional Player Payment Rules. This was not a deliberate attempt to circumvent the cap or gain an unfair advantage. Rumbalara FNC, President Josh Atkinson stated that “This was…

Proud. Strong. Family.

The Rumbalara Football & Netball Club boasts four men’s football teams, one women’s football team and eight netball teams. Our players have been selected for state and national teams, with two former players going on to play in the AFL.

The Club has grown into a hub for the local community; assisting with programs that provide education, health, leadership and social support in conjunction with partner organisations across the region.

players in the Rumbalara FNC between 1997-2018
players per year involved with the Rumbalara FNC
volunteers involved with the Rumbalara FNC
participants of Rumbalara FNC programs

Our Projects

Together with our partners, this project is a chance to achieve; a chance to enhance Aboriginal cultural identity, expression and celebration; grow in our leadership; improve our health; build our education; enhance our employment options; and move towards equitable social inclusion and reconciliation. It will combine education, culture, the arts and sport to create healthy people, healthy communities and the leaders of tomorrow.

In 2004 the Rumbalara Football Netball Club in partnership with the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences established The Academy of Sport Health and Education (ASHE). The creation and support of ASHE is part of Rumbalara FNC’s commitment to improvements in the physical and emotional health, education and employment of young people and families.

The Rumbalara Football Netball Club is committed to building the prosperity of the Dungala Kaiela (Murray Goulburn) region, with a growing, inclusive economy. The Club is committed to increasing the proportion of Aboriginal people employed in the workforce to achieve parity with our working-age population. Increasing educational attainment is also a key foundation for achieving parity.

Gowola recognises the importance of education, of engaging young people in a way that celebrates culture, language and pride in Aboriginality. Every Thursday during school term, students make their way to Rumbalara Football Netball Club. Ages range from Prep to Year 10.

The Rumbalara Football Netball Club is assisting parents in making life defining choices towards their future. ParentsNext is a government program run in partnership with Catholic Care, Mission Australia and SalvoCare. The program assists parents with children under the age of six, who have been out of work or study long-term.

The First on the Ladder arts program has been a welcome addition. In partnership with Polyglot Theatre, the Club launched a three-year partnership aiming to inspire young people while increasing the visibility of the Club within the community. The arts program has added another dimension to the Club.


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Murray Football Netball League